Immigration and the Deep State — A New Example: The Case Of Jerry Chun Shing Lee

By Steve Sailer


Here’s a new NYT article that provides an additional example for my upcoming Taki’s Magazine column on immigration and the Deep State. Good timing, if I say so myself.

Ex-C.I.A. Officer Suspected of Compromising Chinese Informants Is Arrested


WASHINGTON — A former C.I.A. officer suspected of helping China identify the agency’s informants in that country has been arrested, the Justice Department said on Tuesday. Many of the informants were killed in a systematic dismantling of the C.I.A.’s spy network in China starting in 2010 that was one of the American government’s worst intelligence failures in recent years, several former intelligence officials have said.

The arrest of the former agent, Jerry Chun Shing Lee, 53, capped an intense F.B.I. investigation that began around 2012 after the C.I.A. began losing its informants in China. …

Mr. Lee, who left the C.I.A. in 2007 and was living in Hong Kong, was apprehended at Kennedy International Airport and charged in federal court in Northern Virginia with the unlawful retention of national defense information. …

More than a dozen C.I.A. informants were killed or imprisoned by the Chinese government. The extent to which the informant network was unraveled, reported last year by The New York Times, was a devastating setback for the C.I.A.

Here’s the FBI’s affidavit. Mr. Lee is described as a naturalized U.S. citizen.

One thing to keep in mind is that you ought to take with a grain of salt any particular theory about what just happened in any Spy vs. Spy stuff. There are still arguments over how to explain complex events during the time when James Jesus Angleton was the increasingly depressed CIA head of counter-intelligence who described his job as wandering around in “a wilderness of mirrors.”

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