Immigration Debate Update: Specter Says Amnesty Is A Code Word … A What?
Don’t let anyone say the the Specter bill doesn’t address border security!
Just now on the Senate floor, the Senator from Pennsylvania said:
"We have provided for border security … we have provided for a "virtual fence" … unmanned drones will patrol the border."
Whew! I feel better knowing that nobody is patrolling!!
As far as the illegal immigration situation in the U.S., Specter said:
"Illegal immigration is a problem, it’s always going to be a problem so long as there are jobs here to draw them."
Hmm … bank robbers … they're a problem, they're always going to be a problem so long as there is money in banks.
Sheesh … get this guy to zip it already.
P.S. Specter says "amnesty" is a "code word" used to frighten people. No Senator, "guest worker plan" is a code word for "amnesty."