Immigration Debate Update: Two Amendments … Little Progress
Two relatively boring floor votes today:
Senator Bingaman (D-NM) introduced an amendment (with Senators Kyl and Domenici) to establish a 50 million dollar grant progam that will assist local law enforcement agencies.
Local police agencies will be able to use these funds to address the increase in criminal activity produced by illegal immigration on the border — Senator Bingaman says the federal governement should pick up the tab as they have failed to secure our borders.
Hmm … increase in criminal activity? I thought illegal immigrants were just here to work.
The Bingaman amendment passed 84 to 6.
Next on the voting agenda, Senator Alexander (R-TN) introduced an amendment that would specify citizenship requirements.
It would require (and provide grant money for) immigrants to learn English, learn our history and take an oath of allegiance before becoming citizens.
For those of you who think this should already be the law, it pretty much is — this new amendment is just a way to get American taxpayers to pay for it.
The Alexander amendment passed 91 to 1.
Senate debate and my blogging will resume tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 9:45 EST.