
Immigration Headlines [6 ITEMS!] Lara Logan, MSM "Errors," Dueling Surveys, And Chicago Homeless Vs. Venezuelan Illegals, Etc.

By Former Agent


Immigration headlines from around the web:

In this video, Lara Logan describes the rolo of NGOs as proxies for the government. Interestingly, she claims that even before Biden took office, his administration had envoys going to South and Central America to let them know it was going to be much easier to get into the United States. Essentially, they were enticing people to come to America.

In this video, around minute 5:30, Lara describes how unaccompanied minors are coming to the United States ostensibly to be reunited with their parents, but they are getting “sponsors” (not their parents) to take them in instead, and some are winding up on the street being sex trafficked.

Former Immigration Judge O’Brien (now working for FAIR) lets Open Borders advocate Dan Goldman [Tweet him](D- NY) know that “[t]he Supreme Court was abundantly clear in its holding in Trump v. Hawaii (…) that 8 U.S.C. § 1182(f) confers upon the President the authority to close the border in response to a crisis (…) Everything that is now happening along the border with Mexico could be stopped with the stroke of a pen if the President were at all interested in stopping it.” [Former Immigration Judge Schools Open-Borders Congressman on Immigration Law 101, by Pavel Styrna, FairUS, February 24, 2024]

Some of the “errors” that were made recently, according to FullMeasureNews.

Strangely, every single error was against Trump. Funny how that happens. Many of the errors had to do with immigration: “The New York Times, AP, CNN, and others excerpted a Trump comment as if he’d called all illegal immigrants ‘animals.’ Trump: These aren’t people; these are animals. Later corrections noted he’d been referring to members of the murderous MS-13 criminal gang” [Media Miss, FullMeasureNews, February 25, 2024].

Also, “Agence France-Presse mistakenly reported that more than 100,000 children brought in by illegal immigrants were being held in detention. That was actually the total number in 2015 under Obama.”

Time and others showed a crying Honduran child to illustrate Trump separating illegal immigrant parents from children. But the child hadn’t been separated from her parents in the U.S. [Time Magazine: Cover Image Of Crying Honduran Girl Is Fake But Accurate, by Joshua Caplan, Breitbart, June 22, 2018].

MSNBC falsely claimed Trump “banned” the Red Cross from visiting the immigrant children. The Red Cross said that wasn’t true.

MSNBC also falsely claimed that Trump had talked about “exterminating Latinos,” but later corrected that and apologized.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll says Americans are more worried about “extremism” (which apparently means white Trump supporters [Extremism tops economy, immigration among voters’ concerns: Poll, by Miranda Nazzaro, The Hill, February 27, 2024].

Don’t let go of your fear, liberals! The Nazis are coming, aka Trump supporters. Heaven forefend but Trump may actually start enforcing the law on the books and deport people! We can’t have that. Where other news outlets are reporting that immigration is the top concern of Republicans, The Hill is reporting that “extremism” is the top concern of Democrats and some independents. Better stoke up the fear in anticipation of the election. Meanwhile, National Review quotes a Gallup poll that makes it sound like immigration really is the top concern of most Americans [Immigration Surges to Americans’ Top Concern for First Time in Five Years, by James Lynch, February 27, 2024]. Who do you believe? My personal opinion, the Democrats are getting in front of the problem of immigration and trying to distract the American public with fear. It worked during the last presidential election (along with voter fraud), why wouldn’t it work now?

Sharyl Attkisson reported on the Gallup poll [(GALLUP) More Americans now say immigration problem is most important issue facing US, Sharyl Attkisson.com, March 1, 2024].

Stumbled on to this guy Terry Newsome reporting out of Chicago while browsing Frontpagemag.com [Glazov Gang: Inside the Haunting World of Illegals, February 23, 2024]. Terry has been reporting on the illegal alien problem in Chicago by actually talking to the aliens and finding where they are going. He asked American homeless (blacks) who they supported, and they emphatically stated Trump. He asked Venezuelan illegal aliens “Trump or Biden” and they were all for Biden.

See the difference when I ask a Chicago homeless person compared to an illegal Venezuelan Gang Member Trump or Biden! @annvandersteel @BenBergquam @laralogan @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @GenFlynn @realMikeLauber #trump @maga pic.twitter.com/DJHaYrdrOg

— Terry Newsome (@TerryNewsome357) January 29, 2024

Former Chief of the Border Patrol Rodney Scott was canned in part because he refused to stray from the term “illegal alien” and instead use “undocumented migrant.” Well, now that term is being viewed as too harsh also — a White House fact sheet calls them “Newcomers”:

[Joe Biden’s White House Begins Referring to Illegal Aliens as ‘Newcomers’,' Breitbart.com]

The Biden White House has begun referring to illegal aliens as “newcomers.” That’s like calling home invaders “surprise house guests.”

— Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) March 1, 2024

“Newcomers” sounds so much better. Perhaps, they should go a little bit further and just admit that “undocumented Democrat voter” is perhaps a still better term.

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