
Immigration News: More Border Wall Built And More Bad Hombres Busted

By Hubert Collins


America’s fight against criminal aliens is waged on two fronts: at the border to keep them out, and within the United States, to expel the ones who have made it in. There has been good news on both fronts.

The Trump administration hoped to build 450 miles of new southern border wall in 2020, and may actually build more. On September 29, Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott announced that since January:

The rate of construction is speeding up, now averaging ten miles per week. The Department of Homeland Security has produced several graphics that illustrate progress:

CBP Border Wall Update CBP Border Wall Update

Meanwhile, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has nabbed dangerous Hispanics.

In Charlotte, North Carolina, ICE arrested 12 illegal aliens, including:

Elder Amador-Lopez, a twice-deported Guatemalan charged with DWI and Assault on a Female.

Jose Ruiz-Quintero, a Nicaraguan ordered deported in August 2019, charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon Inflicting Serious Bodily Injury.

In and around Chicago, ICE arrested 88 illegal aliens, including:

In Denver, Colorado ICE arrested one of its ten most-wanted: Joseph Toro-Zaldivar, below, a once-deported Honduran with pending charges for Assault on a Peace Officer, Strangulation, Felony Menacing with a Weapon, Disarming an Officer, Assault, Criminal Mischief, and Resisting Arrest.

In California, ICE arrested Josue Gamaliel Vidal Quintanilla, a middle-school teacher and child pornographer.

As always, ICE and Border Patrol deserve our unwavering support. Let’s hope they keep up the good work.

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