Immigration Reform, Non-Citizen Voting, and the Radical Left
By Kevin Lamb
On Tuesday, October 7, the Social Contract Press sponsored the release of a new report on non-citizen voting by David Simcox at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Simcox, a former director of the Center for Immigration Studies and a retired foreign service officer of the State Department, produced a compelling study that shows how non-citizens (illegal alien voters) could impact election outcomes, especially in key districts in California, Texas, Florida, and New York where the foreign-born population is considerably large.[Download the study in PDF]
The standing-room only event was well attended by members of the press, including CNN, Univision, several newspaper reporters, a local NPR-affiliate reporter, members of the immigration reform community, and a few bloggers from the radical Left.
Two questions from two bloggers in attendance seemed scripted right from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC’s) scandal-mongering playbook. One blogger raised spurious “guilt by association” allegations of The Social Contract’s editor and managing editor. Another radical blogger, identified as representing “New World Revolution,” raised the recent muckraking accusations lodged against John Tanton, the publisher of The Social Contract, and which were recently posted on the SPLC’s ”Hate Watch” site.
For years Leftists complained about the excessive ”guilt-by-association” abuses of the ”McCarthy era,” especially the ”blacklisting” period when many government bureaucrats and Hollywood screenwriters lost their careers after being suspected of promoting a Marxist-Leninist ideology with ties to Communist organizations. The irony is that the SPLC and other radical groups traffic in these very smear tactics as a way of trying to silence their opponents.
Wayne Lutton effectively countered these accusations last Tuesday and directly rebutted these muckraking accusations when they were raised. Others should do likewise.