
Immigration’s Been Berry Berry Good To Me

By James Fulford


A ten-year-old child threw a berry at a woman he was arguing with. She beat him with an iron bar, giving him two black eyes. He may be charged with a hate crime.

For once we know the races involved in this story from England — everyone involved is extremely white. The two black eyes the English ten-year old got after being apparently beaten by a Slovakian woman with an iron bar will be temporary. But he may be charged with "race hate" just the same, since, in a dispute with this woman he apparently threw a berry at her, and told her to go "back to her own country."

Boy 'who was attacked' by Slovakian woman may face racism charge | the Daily Mail
A boy of ten who claims to have been attacked by a Slovakian woman with an iron bar could be charged with inciting racial hatred, it emerged last night.

Jake Stedman admitted that the woman hit him after he threw a berry at her and told her to 'go back to her own country'.

As a result, the boy — who was left with two black eyes — could become the youngest person in the country ever to be charged with the offence.

A police source said: "There have been allegations that he used racist language and it is necessary for us to investigate the claims."

No, it isn’t.

There is now mass Slovak immigration in this part of England, and it’s causing problems between Slovak youths and native English youths, also their parents. What makes it worse is that this is happening in Chatham, Kent, an area largely unaffected by immigration.

What makes the situation more unpredictable is that migrants from Eastern Europe are settling in areas unused to mass immigration.

This may be rural areas such as Herefordshire and East Anglia, or places such as the Luton Road area of Chatham.

(While it has a small Asian population, it should be noted that this part of Kent experienced little in the way of immigration in the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies. Indeed, according to the 2001 census, 95 per cent of its population is "white" — higher than the national average.)

Revealed: the racial tensions behind Slovak mother’s pipe attack on boy By TOM RAWSTORNE, September 29th 2007

It’s occasionally suggested that immigration restrictionists wouldn’t have a problem with mass immigration if the immigrants were white. In fact, that’s not the case, and it’s ridiculous to say that US must accept massive Mexican immigration because the poorer Mexicans who are coming north are mostly Mexican Indians or what Mexico calls mestizos And in the 19th Century, almost all of the immigrants in New York slums were white.. That immigration was what originally led to the 1924 Immigration Act.

However, no such act could be passed in modern Britain. First, because the immigration is required by the EU treaty.

Second, because British politicians who say the wrong thing on the subject of race and immigration can be arrested under anti-racist legislation.

That’s why it’s good that the US isn’t part of the North American Union — and why it’s vital to protect First Amendment rights.

[The cultural reference in the title is explained here.]

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