Immigration Still An Issue: Rasmussen

By James Fulford


Rasmussen Reports says that 26% of people are angry about immigration — but they don’t have anyone to vote for, because of "bipartisanship."

26% Angry About Immigration, The Issue Candidates Ignore Rasmussen Reports

Thursday, October 23, 2008 It’s the issue both presidential candidates have largely ignored as they court the nation’s growing Hispanic population, but one-out-of-four U.S. voters (26%) is still angry about the current immigration situation.

Twenty-eight percent (28%) express frustration about immigration, but for 43% it’s just one of many issues, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

With increased enforcement of the borders and America’s struggling economy serving as less of a magnet for illegal immigrants seeking better-paying jobs, it is perhaps not surprising that the number who are angry is down from 34% in August.

But as in August, 74% continue to believe the government is not doing enough to secure the nation’s borders. Just 12% think enough is being done.

Only 35% say it is possible to end illegal immigration, compared to 52% who say it is not possible. [More]

Republicans look like losing this election not only in the White House, but in the Senate and the House of Representatives, too. And it’s partly because they're failing to pick up a lot of those angry voters.

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