
Immigration-Struck Toronto Has Worst Traffic In North America

By Steve Sailer


From CP24:

Toronto ranked worst city in North America for traffic, new index finds

Codi Wilson, CP24 Web Content Writer, @CodiWilson

Published Thursday, January 11, 2024 11:23AM EST

Toronto has topped the list of the most congested cities in North America, beating out both New York and Mexico City, according to new traffic data released by navigation and location technology company TomTom.

The company, which released its annual traffic index on Thursday, ranked Toronto third on a list of the most congested cities in the world, falling behind only London and Dublin.

According to the index, it takes Toronto commuters an average of 29 minutes to complete a 10-kilometre trip, 50 seconds longer than it took just last year. …

The index, according to the company, is based on data from over 600 million in-car navigation systems and smartphones.

… Toronto drivers have it worse than commuters in any other North American city, including New York. In the largest city in the U.S., drivers spend 24 minutes and 50 seconds travelling 10 kilometres, five minutes faster than the time it would take to travel the same distance in Toronto.

This might have something to do with hyper-immigration in Canada:

[Comment at Unz.com]

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