
Impeachment — What Are Democrats Up To?

By Brenda Walker


President Trump’s speech last Tuesday at the United Nations was notable for strong statements on several subjects, particular its support for national sovereignty against globalism. He stood up for America while still being respectful of other countries and their rights. He discussed immigration at length, and that it’s not beneficial for either the sending or receiving nations.

Others were impressed with the UN speech. Fox Business host Lou Dobbs and Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd agreed the Trump was pleasantly specific about border enforcement, viewable in the video below:

LOU DOBBS: I don’t know if you knew how strong he would be on the issues of sovereignty and border security and illegal immigration, but I have to say it was an extraordinary speech in all respects, but on the subjects of immigration and sovereignty especially.

BRANDON JUDD: That couldn’t have been stated any more eloquently. He’s taking the case directly to the American public. He’s calling the Democrats out for their hypocrisy; they refuse to enter into an honest conversation because they know they are going to lose on the facts. so what he’s doing is he’s specifically going to the American public and making the case, and he’s giving them the facts and letting them decide. That’s a very good day for Border Patrol agents.

There’s a clip of Trump at 3:24 speaking to the world community:

PRESIDENT TRUMP: To anyone conducting crossing of our border illegally, please hear these words: do not pay the smugglers; do not pay the coyotes; do not put yourself in danger; do not put your children in danger. If you make it here, you will not be allowed in. You will be promptly returned home. You will not be released into our country.

Radio talker Rush Limbaugh concurred about the speech, remarking:

RUSH LIMBAUGH: I mean, it was fantastic. The content of this speech was a grand-slam home run. I think it was purposely delivered in a more low-key than usual manner so as to make sure that Trump’s personality did not step on the content because he was dead serious during all of this. He was not loud. There was no braggadocios or bombastic personality in this speech. There were no off-the-prompter ad-libs. This was solid from beginning to end and it was intended for every word to be heard, for every word to register, for every word to be noted.

But a few hours later, Speaker Pelosi announced an impeachment inquiry in the House, so the evening news was filled with Pelosi’s demand for his removal rather than Trump’s defense of American sovereignty. The historic UN speech just disappeared.

Some reports note Pelosi’s rapid change of mind on the impeachment issue — was it Trump’s effective UN address that flipped the switch at that time? Possibly.

Interestingly, recent polls show the public opposed to impeaching the president, but the Dems are proceeding anyway. Pelosi has said she is willing to lose the House majority over it. The left party wants Trump out really bad and is willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Limbaugh opined on Friday that the impeachment is “about making sure the American people do not learn the extent of the corruption in the Obama administration and the Democrat Party at large.”

Being able to portray the D-Party as a legitimate not-totally-corrupt representative of the American people would be a major motivator to bust up the Trump administration.

Here’s the Trump speech at the UN and a transcript:

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