
In 83% Black Jackson, MS, Black Pastor Puts Up Signs Reading: “if Black Lives Matter Then Why Are We Still Killing Each Other?”

By Paul Kersey


Earlier: Wakanda Isn’t Real: Jackson, MS (82% Black) Has 97.6 Murders Per 100,000, 15 Times Higher Than U.S. Rate of 6.5

We’ve spoken about Jackson, Mississippi before. The capital city of the state, Jackson is 83 percent black and 15 percent white. It has one of the highest murder rates in all of the United States.

Academics have tried to blame the shocking violence in 83 percent black Jackson on the state’s “weak” gun laws, when no similar city in the state sporting a population 80 percent or more white has violence on par with what individual blacks collectively produce in the capital.

In reality, the black population of Jackson is to blame for the violence.

‘Prove ‘Em Wrong’ signs show up mysteriously in Jackson. They are a message to the youth., WLBT.com, March 20, 2022

JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) — In the past month, signs have been popping up across Jackson aimed at stopping Black-on-Black gun violence.

One Jackson man is behind the effort to reach the youth; to get them to stop and think before pulling the trigger. Youth advocate Vince Gordon took it upon himself to purchase signs that share a message that he hopes stops killings in the streets of Jackson.

“I was praying one morning, and I was struggling with what to do with these young folks,” said Gordon.

He said the word came to him “Prove ‘Em Wrong” — a message at the corner of the signs he created that reads “If Black Lives Matter then Why Are We Still Killing Each Other?”

The 57-year-old is area director of YoungLife Inner City Jackson, a Christian ministry, and has worked with troubled youth for more than 30 years.

“Out of prayer, out of frustration, I say, ‘I’m gonna spend my own money, and I’m gonna get a billboard and just try to put something on young people’s minds and say, look, if Black lives matter, why are we still killing each other?’” said Gordon.

The youth advocate started with 50 signs, placing them in north Jackson to south Jackson and near his alma mater Lanier High School.

“If we don’t have anything for our young folks, they’re going to create their own fun and for them having a gun in their hand is fun, having a gun in their hand, doing donuts in the middle of the street, for them, that’s fun,” said Gordon.

The South Central Los Angeles native moved to Jackson at 16 with two siblings, raised by a single mother. He wants young people and adults to see the signs and end the escalating crime.

“Ten seconds enough to read it and think, ‘I’m not gonna be a part of killing somebody that looks like me,’” said the “Prove ‘Em Wrong” sign creator. “So, if Black lives matter, why are we still killing each other?”

Gordon is putting up more signs and has gotten donations from Jackson police officers, businessmen and others. He now has digital billboards and wants the message “Prove ‘Em Wrong” to resonate with those thinking of taking a life.

As we move further into a future where Jim Crow was long ago, and laws once passed to protect western civilization from Africans in America, the reality is simply this: the quality of life found in 83 percent black Jackson, Mississippi — where blacks dominate political power and the bureaucracy — has shown those dead white males who long decided to pass laws to protect their civilization for their posterity have been proven right.

Prove ‘Em Wrong, indeed.

The quality of life found in 83 percent black Jackson, MS, where signs are posted around the decaying city white people long ago built and subsequently abandoned (once the end of segregation gave Africans in America the chance to prove Wakanda is real), asking blacks not to kill one another, is a powerful indicator black lives don’t matter to other blacks.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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