In Chicago’s Posh Lakeview Neighborhood, Black Teens Still Robbing Whites and Asians at Will
In Chicago, only felons and cops are permitted to arm themselves.
Note that the media, especially the Chicago Tribune, and cops have conspired for some two years now to cover up black-on-white and black-on-Asian violence in Chicago’s toniest neighborhoods.
The conspiracy has been an abject failure, costing both institutions credibility.
Note that one of Chicago News Report’s many virtues is that it repeats the descriptions that the Chicago Police Department reports, unlike the MSM, which racially censor the CPD reports, so as to aid and abet the MSM’s non-white criminal allies, and cause maximum mayhem for the people the MSM consider their enemies, the law-abiding public.
Cops: Black Suspects Rob 4 in Lakeview,Written by Chicago News ReportSunday, June 24, 2012, 5:32:00 a.m.
At last count, a total of four people were robbed by the same two offenders in Chicago’s North Side, Lakeview neighborhood, said police.
Between 4 am and 4:15 a.m., a woman was robbed on the 1200 block of West Cornelia Avenue… two more victims were robbed on the 1300 block of West Cornelia… and a fourth victim was robbed on the 1300 block of West Barry Avenue, according to police dispatch reports.
In each case, the offenders were described as two black males with short hair, wearing hooded sweatshirts with black t-shirts underneath.
Authorities believe the same men are responsible for all three crimes.
Investigators said the victims on the 1300 block of West Cornelia Avenue saw the muggers flee the scene in a rust or pumpkin-colored vehicle.
The getaway car may be an import/foreign model, said police.