In Europe, Denial about Jihad Remains Stubbornly in Place

By Brenda Walker


Europe has been a regular shooting gallery the last few years because of jihadist attacks. This year’s Ramadan began May 26 and has apparently been the impetus for many murders, including one targeting young women and girls in Manchester England that killed 22.

Concerned citizens who study the enemy to determine the nature of the current conflict in Europe understand that it is an Islamic religious war against the infidels as commanded by Allah and written in the Koran. Muslims have been behaving this way for 1400 years as their way of conquest. But not everyone in Europe has gotten the memo, particularly among the elites. According to author Douglas Murray, the author of the soon-to-be-published book The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam, important people in Europe are still in denial and don’t yet realize what a bad fix the continent is in.

He says some in Britain are still looking for a foreign policy that caused offense to immigrants, which I suspect is a kind of national solipsism that supplies a tiny illusion of control over the situation.

Murray isn’t shy about saying the problem was brought by the immigration the elites wanted, and now they don’t want to admit their continent-crushing mistake, as he discussed with Tucker Carlson on Tuesday:

TUCKER CARLSON: Besides easy travel, what other factors have made Europe such a common terror target? Douglas Murray is the author of “The Strange Death of Europe;” he’s thought a lot about this and he joins us from London. Douglas, thanks a lot for coming on. One of the things you often hear Americans say, I have said, including last night, is that assimilation is the problem, their people are not assimilated. And yet, you look around, and there are actually a number of groups in our society and yours who aren’t assimilated: Hasidic Jews live apart, the Amish live apart, they pose no threat at all to the country they live in, they love the country. Why is this group different?

DOUGLAS MURRAY: Well that’s the key question, the one that people in Europe across my entire continent, they’re sitting there, thinking about, mulling about at the moment. The political response is to tweak bits of anti-terrorism legislation, the British Prime Minister tonight has announced that she will even have to take Britain out of some of the human rights jurisdictions that we’re under. And this is the sort of thing that all the politicians do across Europe: another terrorist attack occurs and they they have tweaks effectively, but all the time the public are wondering about these very deep problems underlying it, which includes the one you just asked.

What is it about about people from these Muslim communities across Europe that mean that on an average Saturday night in London just down the road from where I am, three young men of Pakistani, Moroccan, Libyan origin would end up stabbing repeatedly at young people whilst shouting ‘This is for Allah.’ The truth is that it is obvious in one way — I mean they are inspired by a version of Islam, a very violent and the worst possible version of Islam, but our politicians are really stuck on this because they, through immigration rules they’ve had for decades, they brought this problem into Europe, and now they just seem to be totally unable to admit that or do any of the things that would would solve it because they gave us this problem.

CARLSON: And against all evidence, they lie about the motives, so if you want to know why someone’s doing something, the first step is to ask him why are you doing this. I want to put up on the screen quotes from an Islamist magazine. These were printed directly after the Orlando nightclub attack here in the United States, and they say it really clearly:

“We hate you first and foremost because you are disbelievers” — that’s about as clear as a good possibly be, then they go on to point two, which is: “We hate you because your secular liberal societies permit the very things Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things he has permitted … your secular liberalism has led you to tolerate and even support gay rights, alcohol, drugs, fornication, gambling and usery to become widespread, and to encourage the people to mock those who denounce these filthy sins and vices” — we could go on, but look, the point is they’re saying this is a religious war — why don’t we believe them?

MURRAY: Well because if it is true, then we’ve got all sorts of miseries ahead of us. I happen to think we do, but you know in the meantime, we’re in this transition for a phase in Europe. I just came from a public debate I was doing in Westminster tonight, and you know that people are still, although things are moving, they are still in that sphere where they’re saying, you know what has our foreign policy done that might have caused this? If a guy comes from Pakistan, as one of the attackers on Saturday night did, I don’t think much of our country’s Pakistani foreign policy could be blamed for this. People are almost reaching out to find any reason other than the one that’s staring them in the face because, as I say again, there’s this issue. It came up in Manchester two weeks ago, people might say, no what’s our foreign policy problems that have caused this? Again, nothing that means you’d blow up people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester Arena on a Monday night

CARLSON: That’s exactly right.

MURRAY: But the person who did that, by the way, his parents came to this country from Libya, they got asylum, and then their kid at the age of 22 blew up 22 people, one for each life, a year of life this country had given him. And those are the questions that our politicians are just totally incapable, for the time being, of addressing in a terrible and growing vacuum.

CARLSON: I want to go back quickly to something you just said because I thought it was provocative. You said if the obvious is true, if what they say about their own motives turns out to be true, it spells a tough time ahead. What does that mean exactly?

MURRAY: Let me give you a quick example. I mean, we all know that it’s a tiny number of actual people from the Muslim communities who are going to carry out a terrorist act, but at two polls last year — one in April last year, one in December — by a very reputable organization showed that in one poll a half and in the other two-thirds of British Muslims said they would not go to the police if somebody they knew was involved in ISIS-like groups. The rest of us in Britain would go at the drop of a hat if somebody we knew of any odd background orientation was involved with extremism, but that’s what we’re now facing.

It’s this question — well if they wouldn’t even try to stop an attack like Saturday if they heard about them, where is the loyalty? What are they doing? What are they thinking? The truth is a lot of those people want to defend the faith and protect their faith as they see it more than they want to show, as it were, the loyalty that should be demanded by a nation of its subjects. We’re still at the point where people don’t want to demand that.

CARLSON: No because it’s it’s too scary. I’m buying your book right after this. Douglas, thank you for joining us.

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