In Memoriam Phyllis Schlafly

By Peter Brimelow



It’s one of the mysteries of human nature that some founding members of the Late Great American Conservative Movement degenerated into useless parasitical cucks, like William F. Buckley, while others remained true to the very end, like Phyllis Schlafly, whose death has just been reported along with the release of her last book, The Conservative Case For Trump, co-authored with Ed Martin and Brett Decker. (Reviewed by Pat Buchanan tonight — the review was written before news of her death).

Above all, Schlafly recognized the threat posed by the nation-breaking immigration unleashed by the 1965 Immigration Act, which so many of that generation (she was born in 1924, Buckley in 1925) failed to do.

I only once had the honor of sharing a podium with Schlafly, at Pat Buchanan’s American Cause conference in 2009. Gloom about Obama’s election was then unconfined, but she wisely commented that things had looked at least as bad after Ford’s defeat in 1976. Not for the first or last time, I felt she had taken the words out of my mouth — surely the greatest compliment a writer can give. commented frequently and admiringly on her work — see here.

Grief at Phyllis Schlafly’s passing extends very far beyond her impressively large family, but to them especially we extend heartfelt condolences.

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