
In Missouri, Trump Called Out Democrats For Supporting "Sanctuary Cities Of Death", Unreported By MSM

By James Fulford


The website publishes automatic transcriptions of Trump’s speeeches, which is good, because the MSM is falling down on the job.

For example, the memorable phrase "Sanctuary Cities Of Death" was not quoted in any MSM report I could find:

The new platform of the Democrat Party is to abolish, ICE the brave, brave people of ICE. In other words, they want to abolish immigration enforcement entirely, that’s what they want to do. Democrats also support strongly Sanctuary Cities of Death, Sanctuary Cities.

Every day, sanctuary cities are unleashing vicious predators and bloodthirsty killers like MS 13 into our communities. They go out or they hide out in sanctuary cities. Then they come into our cities and our towns and then we send ICE in and ICE has no problem. You know why? Because ICE is much tougher and much smarter than them.

And ICE has done an incredible job and they grab them by the neck and they throw ‘em the hell out of our country or they throw ‘em into jail. And you don’t want that job and you don’t want that job and you don’t even want although maybe you could handle that job. Right. But they do a fantastic job. And we have to cherish our law enforcement and that goes for Border Patrol.

That goes for ICE. We're setting records on the border on arrests. We don’t want to do that. We're building the wall. It’s going up but getting money is brutal, brutal….

So we've started the wall and we've done a lot in California and elsewhere — San Diego — we're moving eastward and we're covering a lot of territory.

They gave us a billion six, a billion six and another billion six. I want the whole thing because we can do the whole damn wall and we can do a great one. But getting money from the Democrats is tough because they know that’s a big issue for us and they know we need it — most of them voted for it in 2006 (I don’t know of you know that) most of them but of course you have to have a wall of people pouring across that tackling people then of course they have catch and release you catch somebody:

“Who is this person?”

“It’s a criminal.”

“Oh, that’s OK.”

Catch. Take his name and release the person. And the person they think will come back to court. We have the dumbest immigration laws in the whole world. Watch what happens over the next couple of weeks folks — watch! — and it’s all because of the Democrats.

Southaven, MO, October 2, 2018

Watch it below:

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