In Somalia, "Stoner" Has a Different Meaning

By Brenda Walker


Tiger Woods should avoid the Mogadishu Open when he returns to golf from his time-out repairing his marriage (or so he says), since adultery is taken seriously in Somalia by Allah’s loyal servants.

Seriously, the photos below show the gruesome reality of Islamic sharia law, which Muslim immigrants wish to install throughout the West, including our country.

Pictured: Islamic militants stone man to death for adultery in Somalia as villagers are forced to watch, Daily Mail (UK), December 14, 2009

This barbaric scene belongs in the Dark Ages, but pictures emerged today of a group of Islamic militants who forced villagers to watch as they stoned a man to death for adultery.

Mohamed Abukar Ibrahim, a 48-year-old, was buried in a hole up to his chest and pelted with rocks until he died.

The group responsible, Hizbul Islam, also shot dead a man they claimed was a murderer. [ … ]

But when some Hizbul Islam fighters wanted to delay the executions, a bloody gun battle broke out between the two factions, shocked residents said.

'Three Hizbul Islam fighters died and five others were injured after they fought each other," Halima Osman, an Afgoye shopkeeper, told Reuters in Mogadishu by telephone.

’some wanted to delay the execution while the others insisted. They exchanged fire. The group that was against the execution was overpowered and chased away,' she said.

Fascinating … several Muslim fellows were killed by their pals for being insufficiently bloodthirsty.

Al Shabaab, and to a lesser extent Hizbul Islam, are fighting the government to impose their harsh interpretation of Islamic Sharia law across the drought-ravaged country.

'Al Shabaab clerics have banned movies, dancing at weddings and playing or watching soccer in the areas under their control, as well as carrying out executions and amputations.

Below, the offending adulterer is semi-buried in preparation for his execution as villagers look on in the background.

The stoning proceeds, with apparent enthusiasm on the part of the stoners, until the man dies. The face has been pixilated in the interest of taste.

Bear in mind that Somalis are welcomed to America like few other groups. The State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somalis as refugees in the last 25 years (as calculated by Refugee Resettlement Watch). Somalis are also included in the Diversity Visa lottery; they received 229 slots in 2010, although in 2002, Washington offered a more generous 1,328 visas in that category. (In 2007, a GAO report found that the program had admitted nearly 10,000 from terrorist states.) The 2000 Census counted 35,760 Somali-born persons; however, a CBS news report from this year (FBI Watching Somali Muslims In Minneapolis) put the number in Minneapolis alone at 70,000.

Furthermore, Somalis residing in this country have traveled back to their home country to pursue jihad to kill infidels and purify Islam (e.g. by punishing miscreants). Perhaps some are included among the masked stoners.

Is this the kind of diversity America wants?

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