By Steve Sailer
South Africa’s clownish Zulu president Jacob Zuma has been pushed out of office by his African National Congress, purportedly on charges of corruption for feathering his kraal, and replaced by Cyril Ramaphosa, a former labor leader whose net worth is said to be $450 million.
Zuma had recently brought international opprobrium down on his head for his anti-white racist critique of “white monopoly capital.” As we all know, it’s very, very evil to criticize “white monopoly capital” in South Africa while it’s very, very good to demonize “white privilege” in America. Insulting “white monopoly capital” hurts the feelings of white monopoly capitalists in South Africa, while insulting white privilege in the U.S. merely insults losers like Darren Wilson, George Zimmerman, and Haven Monahan.
I don’t pretend to understand South Africa, which I wrote about in Taki’s Magazine last week. My vague impression of South African history, however, going back to Cecil Rhodes devoting his initial will to the creation of (in Rhodes’ words) a “secret society,” a sort of Anglophilic Jesuits, to promote the domination of the world by the British Empire, suggests that if there is any place worth conspiring over, it’s South Africa with its diamonds and gold. But don’t ask me who are the main conspirators in South Africa.