In Texas, Hispanic Babies Comprised 49% of Births in 2010
By Allan Wall
For years, many white Texans have tolerated and even encouraged illegal immigration from Mexico. Rich Texans have hauled in huge profits from illegal immigration, passing on the social costs to Texas taxpayers. The state’s political class, as typified by folks like Rick Perry and George W. Bush, have aided and abetted the Mexican invasion of the Lone Star state.
If present trends continue, Mexican-Americans will be taking over the state within a few decades. What will happen to the Republican Party nationally when it loses Texas' electoral votes?
The Austin-American Statesman reports the 2010 population figures in an article entitled Hispanics Make Up Nearly Half of all Texas Births in 2010, U.S. Says (Juan Castillo, Austin-American Statesman, November 17th, 2011). By "U.S.", the title refers to a CDC report. Anyway, here is part of the article:
“Hispanic births accounted for nearly half of the state’s 386,096 births in 2010, according to a federal report Thursday showing the birth rate in Texas exceeding all states but Alaska and Utah. Nationally, the birth rate declined for all races and most age groups.
The figures offer more evidence of the impact of Hispanic growth in Texas, which led the nation in population growth over the past decade, increasing 20.6 percent — more than twice as fast as that of the nation as a whole. Texas grew by 4.3 million since 2000 to hit the 25.1 million mark in 2010. Hispanics accounted for two-thirds of that growth.
Migration from other states and other countries, as well as a high fertility rate among Hispanics, are driving Hispanic growth in Texas, said Lloyd Potter, state demographer and director of the Texas State Data Center.
"And the Hispanic population in Texas is very young," Potter said. "Just by the age factor, we have relatively few deaths, and consequently among Hispanics, there are significantly larger number of births than deaths."
In 2010, Texas saw 189,120 Hispanic births, accounting for 49 percent of the state total, according to the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Thursday. Hispanics make up 37.6 percent of Texas' population, according to the census.
Non-Hispanic whites had the next highest share of births in Texas, 134,906, or 35 percent … .”