In Toronto Mass Shooting, Police Aren’t Disclosing Name, Race, Or Religion Of Shooter /UPDATE: "Faisal Hussain of Toronto"
In a mass shooting in Toronto, which took place in a white immigrant neighborhood (Toronto’s Greektown, with many Greek restaurants) a mass shooting has been committed by a 29-year old "Man" who may have shot himself, or been shot by police. Video seems to show a white "man", but police aren’t saying.
We just aired this video from the Danforth shooting. It is disturbing. It shows what appears to be the shooter in action (Warning.) Video via instagram user.
— Cristina Tenaglia (@cristinaCTVnews) July 23, 2018
Canadian Faith Goldy is Tweeting:
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Can’t load tweet Sorry, that page does not exist
Can’t load tweet Sorry, that page does not exist
Of course, the problem is with the Main Stream Media, which attends press onferences where the police say "We can’t release the shooter’s name because we're still investigating" and then doesn’t shout questions at the police, things like "If you can’t tell us his name, tell us what color he was, and where he was from!"