By Linda Thom
See, earlier: The Immigrants Who Bring Their Slaves To America, And The Press That Doesn’t Want You To Know
According to the Sacramento Bee, an Elk Grove Doctor hid non-citizens on her property and forced them into labor. They worked for her from October 2007 to June 2013. What is the name of the doctor? Firdos Sheikh. [Elk Grove doctor hid non-citizens on her property, forced them into labor, DOJ says, By Kellen Browning, June 23, 2018]
A quick search on the Internet reveals that Dr. Sheikh graduated from Kasturba Medical College in Manipal, India. The Sacramento Bee fails to mention that she is an Indian immigrant.
Dr. Sheikh’s attorney states that the doctor did not force the two illegal aliens into labor as they had been in the country for years and could have left at any time. The attorney further alleges that the two illegal aliens are really claiming Dr. Sheikh enslaved them to try to get a U Visa to stay in the United States.
This visa allows victims of crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse to stay in the United States if they cooperate with law enforcement. Ah, the plot thickens.
Who is telling the truth? A guess is that the three of them are all lying in one way or another. As ICE has indicted Dr. Sheikh, she is probably the worst of the three but none of them has enriched America.