Iowa Fuming?
H/T the invaluable One Old Vet news-gathering blog for an encouraging story: Immigration outrage hits heartland By Geoff Earle New York Post Tue., Jul.13 2010
Longtime Iowa Democratic Rep. Leonard Boswell has dodged Republican opponents before, but this year could be different. With an electorate soured on the economy and fuming over illegal immigration, Boswell is the kind of lawmaker in danger of getting swept up in a GOP tide that even the White House warns might be coming in November. … his narrowly divided district is …undergoing a demographic transformation through legal and illegal immigration. Brad Zaun, the Republican state senator and hardware store owner who is running against Boswell… said the issue comes up at every presentation he makes.
Iowa, like all heavy Ag states, is rapidly being heavily impacted by the immigration inundation. Meatpacking was long since converted from a high-wage to a low wage industry, and as elsewhere across the country, the big livestock operators are trying to do the same. When cheap labor is on offer, why mechanize?
Boswell has not responded much to the issue, possibly (alas) because he himself is a farmer. His career C- ranking on the NumbersUSA scoreboard puts him in the middle of the Iowa delegation, which ranges from the excellent Steve King (R-5th NumbersUSA grade A+) to the appalling Bruce Braley (D-1st NumbersUSA grade F- )
Given the Neocon control of the New York Post, this cannot have been a welcome story for Geoff Earle to bring in. Applaud him