
Iranian Mass Murder In Brooklyn Involved Refugees — Who Brought Their Killer With Them From Iran

By James Fulford


The latest case of Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome — in Brooklyn — was committed by an Iranian refugee member of a rock band, against other Iranian refugee member of a rock band. The story doesn’t use the word "immigrant" or "refugee." I’m surprised that they put the word "Irianian" in the headline. (Of course, the New York Post doesn’t like Iran.)

Iranian ‘gunned down bandmates’ after group ousted him

Iranian ‘gunned down bandmates’ after group ousted him

The Yellow Dogs in 2012, from left: Bassist Koory Mirzeai, drummer Arash Farazmand, guitarist Siavash Karampour and Soroush Farazmand, who was allegedly killed in a second-floor bedroom. Farazmand was allegedly shot dead on the third floor along with singer Ali Eskandarian (not pictured). Mirzeai and Karampour were not injured.

By Larry Celona, Adam Janos, Bob Fredericks and Kate Sheehy

November 11, 2013 | 9:13am

A crazed musician slaughtered three Brooklyn band members — including two brothers — because he was furious at being bounced from the group for stealing, law-enforcement sources said Monday.

Bassist Raefe Ahkbar, 29, of Queens was booted after he swiped dough and equipment from the Iranian indie rock band The Yellow Dogs about a year ago, law-enforcement sources told The Post.

“He stole money and … equipment, and he didn’t live up to his end of the bargain,” a source said.

The seething Ahkbar decided to finally exact his bloody revenge in the wee hours Monday, officials said.

Cops said the maniac musician, who also played for another Iranian underground band, the Free Keys, hopped across several rooftops around midnight to get to the band’s digs, a three-story home at 318 Maujer St. in East Williamsburg.

He then jumped down to a small landing outside a third-floor window — and used his black, military-style, Century International Arms .308-caliber rifle to fire a shot through the glass, nailing his first victim in the living room, police said.[More]

The attacker, who climbed across a roof and shot his bandmates with a military style rifle, would have made a better than average terrorist, if he'd decided to attack regular Americans. He probably had conscript military training in Iran.

Perhaps his ex-bandmates had too, since some of them were willing to fight back unarmed, once again a successful tactic. (In the struggle, the magazine fell out, leaving the gunman with only one bullet, which he saved for himself.)

But the basic problem is that they left Iran — but brought Iranians with them.

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