Iraqi Woman In Arizona Dies After Father Runs Over Her
By Rob Sanchez
Noor Faleh Almaleki died Monday of injuries she suffered when her own father ran over her October 20 in a parking lot in a Phoenix suburb of Peoria, Arizona.
Noor was killed by her father because in his words, she was "too Westernized".
Daddy sure solved that problem! Now he has another. ABC 15 video report
Faleh Hassan Almaleki, 48 fled to Mexico after he ran over Noor. His escape was aided by family members who undoubtedly approved of his actions. Not surprisingly nobody seems to know how he got across the border without being detected. He got all the way to London before he was apprehended. Faleh is back in Arizona, thanks to British police who seemed to be more on the ball than our border patrol.
Faleh has been charged for two cases of aggravated assault. The other charge was for hitting the mother of Noor’s boyfriend, Amal Khalaf with his Jeep Cherokee as he was running over his daughter. Amal is expected to live but is in serious condition.
Faleh is being held on Phoenix on $5 million bail.
I have yet to find out for sure, but I suspect that Faleh Almaleki came to Arizona as an Iraqi war refugee. President Bush dumped hundreds of them in Arizona. Read the Washington Post article titled: "Iraqi Refugees in Arizona, Many Families Find Adjustment Tough, Even Though the Southwest Reminds Them of Home." That subtitle from the 2007 article seems very ironic now.