
Ireland Californicating: Why?

By Patrick Cleburne


Right on the heels of Peter Brimelow’s ruminations on White Texan’s possible responses to minority status comes another great post by The Irish Savant: Hallelulia — Ireland becomes ever more diverse! (VDARE.com note: Stupid Blogger content warning can be safely ignored.)

I see in today’s Irish Times (print edition) that this country has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe, up slightly on previous years … This is surprising … dire economic conditions usually lead to reduced fertility levels. And we know that an average of 1,000 young Irish people are leaving every week to escape unemployment here, now at a rate of 14%.
What could the explanation be? Well, a closer look at the figures tells us that 75% of the births are to Irish nationals. That, of course, is the MSM’s way of not telling us that 25% of the births are to non-Irish nationals.

The Irish Savant expresses the view that immigrants in Ireland are triple the proportion officially admitted which means

foreigners are breeding at a rate nearly three times that of the native Irish — eight times higher if you take the official statistics

Many of these are African Blacks and Muslims — the most unpromising immigrant material.

IS concludes

You don’t need a calculator to work out what’s happening. A quarter of our births are to foreigners. And they're breeding at a rate at least three times faster than ours. Meanwhile 50,000 young Irish — the fertile cohort — are emigrating every year.
There’s actually an expression for this kind of thing. What is it again?
Oh yes, I remember now. It’s called Population Replacement.

Ireland is on its way to California’s disaster — a situation The Irish Savant knows well. In California’s case, I blame the Neocons. In Ireland’s case, the local political elite are of course in the first instance responsible … but as in everything else, the example of America has magnetism Americans sometimes underestimate.

America really is a Light Unto the Nations … right into the abyss.

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