Is Britain Sinking?

By Brenda Walker


This just in: British taxpayers are stuck for a program in which refugees are taught clowning skills to "boost self-confidence" and "adapt to life in Britain." Really.

Is it any wonder the Islamofascists think that a culturally adrift Britain is toast, and ready to be taken down? (See the recent Guardian story, Britain now No 1 al-Qaida target — anti-terror chiefs.)

Young asylum seekers and refugees are to be given free clowning lessons at taxpayers' expense to help them adapt to life in Britain, it emerged. Clowns in red outfits The youngsters aged 12 to 25 will learn slapstick routines, how to tumble,

silly walks and how to fall over during a course of nine theatre workshops estimated to cost up to a total of ?2,000.

Organisers at the Belgrade Theatre in Coventry say the classes, which will also teach clown face make-up and mime, are designed to boost the self-confidence of the youngsters. [ Free face clowning classes for refugees, Daily Mail 10/17/06]

Elsewhere in Britain, a citizen was recently fined for un-PC free speech: Man convicted for anti Muslim banner.

The words in bold red paint stated: "Kill all Muslims who threaten us and our way of life. Enoch Powell was right."

Father of two Gary John Mathewson, who was arrested for displaying the banner, told a court: "This won’t stop until there is a Muslim president in the White House."

It’s at least good news that Enoch Powell hasn’t been entirely forgotten, now that his infamous speech of 1968 has been proven prophetic.

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