Is "Snohomish County Man" Who Brought Coronavirus Home From China American, Chinese, Or Chinese-American?
A reader has a question:
The first US case of coronavirus is a "US resident" who visited Wuhan, China.
Snohomish County man is first U.S. case of new coronavirus
A man in his 30s was hospitalized in Everett after contracting the virus during a trip to China.
by Andrea Brown, Caleb Hutton, and Julia-Grace Sanders,, January 21, 2020
Yes, but is he a citizen? I will wager he is not. He was visiting Wuhan. Wuhan is not a tourist mecca.I checked multiple sites including CDC and could find only that he is in his 30’s and lives in Snohomish County which is north of Seattle. He is being treated at a very good medical facility, Providence Hospital.
Governor Jay Inslee held a press conference about the coronavirus, and the Snohomish man.
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None of the MSM operatives attending bothered to shout out a question about what kind of "Snohomish County man" brought this virus back to the US.