Islamic Law "Getting To Denmark" Thanks To Immigration

By James Kirkpatrick


Francis Fukuyama famously described the preferred path of political progression for societies around the world as "getting to Denmark," as the Nordic country is an exemplar of peace, prosperity and efficiency. But the funny thing about immigration is that it can reverse centuries of social development in just a few years. After all, if you replace the Danish people in Copenhagen with Third World Muslims, you simply get a very cold outpost of the Third World.

A group of bar owners from one of Copenhagen’s suburbs, who have been endlessly harassed by Muslim youth activists trying to impose a so-called “Shariah zone”, have taken their case to a government minister, urging her to protect their businesses and the locals.

Pub owners in the Nørrebro suburb of Copenhagen have for months tried to get the Copenhagen Police to take action against a group of youths from an immigrant background, who have been threatening, extorting, and vandalizing bars in broad daylight.

[Copenhagen bars tired of ’sharia patrols' rampage & threats raise issue with integration minister, Russia Today, May 12, 2016]

The late Sam Francis called this "anarcho-tyranny." Even in the highly bureaucratic nations of Northern Europe, Muslims simply exist outside the law and primal patterns of tribal warfare and intimidation hold sway. After all, what are you going to do, hold Muslims accountable to the same laws as everyone else? That would be racist. The descendants of the Vikings are becoming dhimmis and they're not even putting up a fight.

On Wednesday, Nørrebro Local Committee of businesses brought up the issue with the Immigration and Integration minister Inger Støjberg, who visited the suburb along with a number of local politicians who denounced the harassment.

As Støjberg toured the area with a group of reporters she was verbally harassed by two women calling her “Nazi” and“Fascist.”

Of course! It’s not that these Third Worlders don’t understand Western society. They know calling someone a Nazi and a Fascist will make them instantly cave. They actually have assimilated.

Addressing the abuse faced by local bar owners Støjberg stressed that the youth should stop harassing locals and instead must focus on getting “an education and a job, so they can become part of Danish society.”

Why should they? This seems far more profitable. And why would anyone want to integrate to a society so pathetic it admits and caters to people who openly say they are enemies? Who would want to assimilate to the weak culture of the post-modern West?

Støjberg specifically also made clear that the concept of so-called Sharia-zones will never take root in Denmark.

“No I can guarantee you that it is not [a Sharia-zone] and will never be!

For now. After another decade or so of immigration …

Principles are cheap. Politics is about who, not what. And demography is destiny. The whole Western world is "getting to Denmark," and it doesn’t look pretty.

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