Israel Leads (Again) On Immivader Extrusion. Why Can’t America Imitate?

By Patrick Cleburne


H/T Pic

H/T The New Observer for New Law Strips Invaders In Israel Of Access To Medical Services July 13, 2017

According to a report issued by the Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) organization, the new Israeli amendment will “will affect asylum seekers’ food security and ability to afford medical treatment.”

The amendment, known as the Deposit Law, “forms part of a wider strategy by the Israeli government to make the lives of asylum seekers increasingly difficult, so as to coerce them to leave Israel ‘voluntarily’ and return to their home countries or to third countries,” the PHR report said…

Asylum seekers in Israel are already not included under the National Health Insurance Act and therefore enjoy very limited access to the public health care services.

( emphasis — contrast America!)

The legislation mentioned here was perhaps more clearly discussed in Feeling unwanted and unwelcome, African migrants hit by new tax in Israel Miriam Berger Reuters July 3, 2017

Under the new law, employers must deduct 20 percent of the wages of Eritrean and Sudanese employees who entered Israel illegally from Egypt and have temporary visas.

The sum is then deposited in a fund, alongside an employer-paid tax of 16 percent, and remains there until the worker leaves Israel.

(No nonsense about not discriminating against specific nationalities in Israel!)

The story helpfully reminds:

Large numbers of Africans, the vast majority from Eritrea and Sudan, began entering Israel illegally from Egypt in the mid-2000S…By 2013, Israel had mostly completed a high-security fence along the 245-km (150-mile) border, all but halting the influx.
( emphasis. Mr. Trump: BUILD THAT WALL!)

This withholding idea is a brilliant concept which America should immediately implement for all refugees and asylum seekers. It should go along with Israel’s other financial stratagem: a ban on immivaders sending money abroad which Peter Brimelow discussed in Hey, MSM Angry Apes: How Come Israel Gets To Use Remittance Weapon And Trump Can’t?

Another interesting recent discussion is Inside Israel’s Secret Program to Get Rid of African Refugees by Andrew Green Foreign Policy June 27, 2017

By 2012…the minister of interior suggested making “their lives miserable” in order to dissuade even more from coming.

One way the Israeli government did just that was by erecting a sprawling detention center for asylum-seekers in the middle of the Negev Desert. Operated by the Israel Prison Service (IPS), Holot — which means “sand” in Hebrew — now holds more than 3,000 male asylum-seekers…

Adjusted for population, this as if America had 115,000 men incarcerated in grim conditions to persuade them to leave.

In general, Israel continues as the world’s best example of a Patriot Government protecting its people from the Third World migrant Tsunami. Recent discussions have included

Israel Shows The Way On Illegal Immigrants/”Refugees”

Did President Kushner Block Aging Father-in-Law Viewing Israel’s Wonderful Border Wall?

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