Israeli Asylum Seeker Demonstration. Next year in Jerusalem: Not!
Generally speaking, much can be learned from Israel about how an intelligent people govern themselves
(Steve Sailer concluding "Undocumented workers" in U.S. = "Illegal infiltrators" in IsraelMay 23, 2012)
Further evidence that this is one of Steve’s more luminous insights appeared on Monday: Proposed Law: Sanctions on Infiltrators who Transfer Money By Elad Benari Arutz Sheva 7/9/2012
The Ministry of Justice published on Sunday a memorandum of a bill aimed at preventing infiltration into Israel.
The proposed bill is designed to deal with the economic incentive related to the phenomenon of infiltration into Israel, by making it a criminal prohibition for infiltrators to transfer funds abroad, either themselves or through others.
The bill proposes that the penalty for transferring money abroad by infiltrators will be six months imprisonment or a fine of 29,200 shekels. The penalty for a person who will assist an infiltrator in transferring money aboard will be one year’s imprisonment or a fine of 29,200 shekels, or twice the amount he intended to help the infiltrator take out of Israel.
Obviously applying this in America to the huge funds drain south of the border would be decisive. E-Verify pales by comparison. We at VDARE.com a little puzzled it has not been proposed before. (Actually, it has).
The Arutz Sheva article supplies perspective:
On Sunday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu convened an additional discussion on the issue of the handling of illegal work infiltrators.
Participants in the discussion were presented with updated infiltration data according to which, 11 infiltrators were detained last weekend and 129 since the beginning of the month….928 infiltrators were detained in June and 2031 in May. In June of last year, 1,213 infiltrators crossed the border.
There are said to be 5.93 million Jews in Israel and some 227.73 million whites in America — 38.4 times more. This means the illegal immigrant flow threatening the two communities are of the same order of magnitude. (Admittedly, the Israelis are dealing with Africans)
This raises again the question I asked last month U.S. Amnesties Illegals, Israel Deports. Why The Difference?
Of course the answer is that the Israeli Government cares about its people. The American Establishment — Obamacrat and Republican — despises Americans.
The only American news outlet which (to its great credit) noted this story was Forward: Israel Hopes To Ban African Remittances July 08 2012.
Drudge, of course, was MIA.