
It Might Not Be Over For Rittenhouse. The Feds Might Step In And Charge Him

By Federale


Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t out of the woods just yet. Though not guilty of reckless and intentional homicide and other charges, the federal Department of Justice just might come after him.

That’s what Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York expects.

This heartbreaking verdict is a miscarriage of justice and sets a dangerous precedent which justifies federal review by DOJ. Justice cannot tolerate armed persons crossing state lines looking for trouble while people engage in First Amendment-protected protest. https://t.co/Uh95Uc1Ddo

— Rep. Nadler (@RepJerryNadler) November 19, 2021

The feds might charge him with violating a statute that prevents straw purchases of firearms [Kyle Rittenhouse’s Friend Dominick Black Testifies He Bought The Gun Used In The Killings In Kenosha, by Bruce Vielmetti, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, November 2, 2021]. Black purchased the AR-15 Kyle used that night, and planned to sell it to him when he turned 18. Technically that is a straw purchase under Federal law. Black could be charged, too.

DOJ might also try to charge Rittenhouse with civil rights violations. Just look at who runs the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division: that very angry, anti-white black woman, Kristen Clarke. She might decide that Rittenhouse showed up in Kenosha because he’s a racist, and that he shot three Black Lives Matters “protestors,” and tried to shoot a fourth, all of whom just happened to be hardened criminals. It will make no difference that child rapist Joseph Rosenbaum, domestic abuser Anthony Huber, and longtime criminal Gaige Grosskreutz are white. We don’t know the identity of Jump Kick Man, whom Rittenhouse fired at and missed, but he’s a career criminal, too. If he’s black, that just might give Clark the ammo she needs to go after Rittenhouse.

She could prosecute him for a hate crime and claim he conspired with Black to procure a weapon with the intent to kill blacks. She might also claim he injured people exercising their federally protected rights.

Don’t think it can’t happen:

Federal Officials Close Review of the Officer-Involved Shooting of Jacob Blakehttps://t.co/rtMGE5qbYT

— DOJ Civil Rights Division (@CivilRights) October 8, 2021

Would Biden or his attorney general, Merrick Garland, stop Clark? I wouldn’t count on it. Biden said Rittenhouse is a “white supremacist” and declared himself “angry and concerned” about the verdicts.

After all, white Americans can’t think they’re allowed to defend themselves against rampaging communist mobs.

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