It’s Not Plagiarism If I Attribute It
By Steve Sailer
From Craptocracy:
While Hillary Clinton’s grossly mismanaged campaign is now being dissected, not mentioned is how her bungled strategy was the consequence of stereotypes.She and her brain trust assumed she would win at least some of the black vote; thinking blacks might put race first is not a thought liberals allow themselves to have. They also assumed white voters in caucus states like Idaho and North Dakota were bigots who would never vote for a black man, so she didn’t compete enough in those places.
When McCain talks about 'climate change' he seems desperate and grasping, like he doesn’t really care about it one way or the other. It’s as if he’s saying, “I’ll give you your global warming, just let me get my hands on some bombs. Just let me get my hands on some bombs and I will agree to whatever you want that doesn’t involve not bombing.”
Meanwhile, Udolpho resurfaces to announce he has a life.