It’s Not Your Statue of Liberty Anymore, It’s Their Statute of Immigration

By Steve Sailer


From Business Insider:

‘Don’t put that guy in front of the cameras again’: Fox News host unloads on Stephen Miller after altercation with CNN reporter

Mark Abadi

Fox News commentator Eric Bolling harshly criticized White House adviser Stephen Miller for his altercation with a CNN reporter at Wednesday’s press briefing.

“Listen, he’s a brilliant guy, he’s a great policy adviser,” Bolling said on “The Fox News Specialists.”

“He is not a communications person. Don’t put that guy in front of the cameras again.”

At the briefing, Acosta questioned whether the White House’s new immigration policy, unveiled earlier on Wednesday, was “trying to change what it means to be an immigrant” by favoring immigrants who spoke English and had higher levels of education and job skills. In his question, Acosta cited an inscription on the Statue of Liberty that reads “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Miller fired back at Acosta in a testy back-and-forth that lasted several minutes.

“I don’t want to get off into a whole thing about history here, but the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of liberty and lighting in the world, it’s a symbol of American liberty lighting the world,” Miller said. “The poem that you’re referring to was added later. It’s not actually part of the Statue of Liberty.” …

For Bolling, Miller’s spat was a distraction from an immigration policy he praised as “really, really important for the country.”

“The message gets stepped on because everyone is going to play that interchange with Acosta instead of talking about how great this immigration policy is,” Bolling said.

Of course the media would be talking about how great the new proposal to cut legal immigration is if only the White House had put out there somebody who would have totally conceded that the Emma Lazarus’s poem is the Zeroth Amendment. The media love immigration restriction!

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