It’s Official: Hispanic Immigrants Need Welfare

By Federale


Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, admitted the obvious that Hispanic immigrants don’t contribute to the economy and are dependent on welfare.

The Examiner September 12, 2012 by Joel Gehrke
HUD Secretary: Without Tax Hikes, Latinos Will Go To The 'Back Of The Line'
Congress must raise taxes on the wealthy "because there just isn’t enough to go around," Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute today.
"Latino growth has meant that often they're at the back of the line for housing assistance or other things," Donovan said during CHCI’s annual Public Policy Conference this morning at the Ronald Reagan Building in D.C. "And the fundamental problem here (in part) is, are we going to continue to invest in those things? And if we continue to cut the budget for Section 8 housing and public housing and a whole range of other things — if we don’t fix this fiscal cliff in a fair way that actually asks higher-income Americans to pay their fair share — Latinos are going to have to continue to wait in the back of the line, because there just isn’t enough to go around.

Although not news, it is certainly shocking that a Democrat Cabinet Secretary would admit the obvious. Hispanic immigrants come here not only for welfare, but as the poster-children for a confiscatory tax system.

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