It’s Time For A Rational Reckoning For Those Responsible For The "Racial Reckoning"
By Steve Sailer
It’s time for a “rational reckoning” for Establishmentarians who egged on the “racial reckoning” that got so many people murdered or dead in car crashes. Congressional hearings when the GOP has a majority asking tough questions, politicians losing, journalists being fired.
We need hearings on Capitol Hill modeled on the January 6 hearings (which existed less to find out things than to put on a show rehashing the other party’s embarrassing history) to educate the public about how much blood the Establishment has on their hands over Black Lives Matter, with individuals shamed for how they increased murders and traffic fatalities by demanding less policing.
As part of the rational reckoning for the racial reckoning, there should be massive coverage in the organs of the Establishment Press about just how huge are racial disparities in homicide perpetration. The public should be educated in the truth so they won’t fall for future Floyd Frauds so hard.