
"It Wasn’t A Melting Pot So Much As A Ghetto"

By Athena Kerry


The Dallas Morning News ran a realistic piece on the destructive quality of immigration on September 3. In it, a Texas native describes the heartbreaking result of on immigration take-over in Carrollton, TX, a suburb of Dallas:

For some reason Farmers Branch and southern Carrollton seem a favorite stopping off point for these lawbreakers. Our government declines to do anything about people breaking these laws, and people who complain are branded as racist. Of course being called a racist these days on the immigration issue doesn’t really mean much. It just means that you disagree with blame-America-first liberals on the left and open-borders, cheap-labor businesspeople on the right.

I could see the years of equity we put into our house slipping down the drain as our once-pleasant mixed neighborhood turned into a dump. I could also see that neither the federal government, nor the state government, nor the city government was going to do anything to help people like me. And I know how the game is played in the media: People like me are routinely depicted as ignorant racist rednecks. We can’t win.

Think about what it means to see your neighborhood and your home investment go to hell because of unregulated Third World immigration. And you expect us to be happy about it?("My home became a ghetto", by Phillip J. Hubbell, The Dallas Morning News, Sunday, September 3, 2006)

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