Jake From Freedom Folks Rallies On Ramos & Compean Rallies Nationwide!
Hey, Jake from Freedom Folks here; No need to be scared — we're in the VDARE.com blogroll, after all!
By Bryanna is up to her eyebrows in diapers and deadlines and asked if I would clue y'all in on the amazing nationwide protest that happened all over the country this last weekend. You know, the one the national MSM soundly and roundly ignored?
Yeah, that one.
Americans all over the country joined together last Saturday to protest the wrongful conviction of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. If you aren’t familiar with the story, here’s a good backgrounder.
In a nutshell, agents Ramos and Compean find themselves facing more than a decade in prison for doing their jobs. While the agents made mistakes, as you'll see in the article at the link, these should have been administrative matters.
None of what they did or didn’t do rose to the level of an indictable offense.
The salt in the wound here is President Bush’s Christmas pardon (story here) of several drug dealers while ignoring and mocking pardon requests for Ramos and Compean.
Events were held in Chicago, El Paso, Austin, San Diego, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Philadelphia and Ft. Myers.
So without further ado, here’s a non-comprehensive (just a little immigration humor there) roundup of MSM and bloggy coverage of the various events:
Chicago bloggers Freedom Folks (that’s us!) attended the event.
The Minutemen Midwest also have photos up.
(My lovely wife also created that graphic which you are welcome to steal … here.)
SOS had things covered in the heart of occupied Aztlan, a.k.a. Los Angeles (here.)
Here is some local MSM coverageof the El Paso event, including an interview with agent Compean.
In San Diego it was the Oceanside Citizens Brigade making noise (here.)
In Philly, Stop The Invasion had the honors (here.)
The (new to me) website Illegal Immigrant Protest brings us pictures of the Ft. Myers event and others (site was remarkably slow for me so YMMV).
In Phoenix, the American Freedom Riders — who put this whole nationwide shindig together — rallied around agents Ramos and Compean. Agent Ramos, who is a biker, rode in the protest (here.)
And our good blog buddy Immigration Watchdog has some nice video here.
If you have anything (non-profanity laden) to say to our President or the Attorney General feel free! Just keep it clean!
Now back to your regularly scheduled VDARE programming!
BB Note: Thanks Jake! You da man!