James Antle On Colbert King’s Racism

By James Fulford


James Antle in the American Spectator links to a "disgraceful column" by Colbert King, in which King compares the faces of the Tea Partiers to

Antle replies that

"Actually, all those "angry faces" have in common is that they are predominantly white. Someone whose racial obsessions run in the opposite direction from King’s — say, the owners of those sullen faces at the David Duke rally — would be similarly incapable of telling the difference between Rosa Parks and a race riot."[Colbert King Shines the Light on Racism, But Not the Tea Partiers']

Colbert King, in case you didn’t know, is African-American. And if you think race, in an opinion columnist, is something that shouldn’t matter, all I can say is that it matters a lot to King.

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