NAACP: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Racist For Being Open On MLK Day
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in Charlotte, NC were open on MLK Day, as a snow make-up day.
"The president of the Charlotte NAACP, Rev. Kojo Nantambu, led a rally at the Government Center in uptown where he called the city racist." NAACP says Charlotte is a racist city after CMS holds school on MLK day
Nantambu is not a recent immigrant — an oral history project that interviewed him said "was originally named Roderick Kirby but who adopted his new name in 1972."
That being so, he should remember what conditions used to be like, when many black people couldn’t vote in North Carolina, and what they're like now. (Charlotte has a black mayor, its second.)
This is pure power politics, and he’s hoping the Reverend Jesse Jackson will visit. However, the bottom line is that the school board is required by law to be open a certain number of days, snow or no snow, and is no more racist for being open on Martin Luther King Day than snow is racist for being white.