James Q. Wilson Archive In COMMENTARY
The editors of Commentary Magazine, who I frequently don’t agree with, have made all of the late James Q. Wilson’s articles available online for free. It’s in reverse chronological order. There’s an article about Adam Clayton Powell, the Al Sharpton of his day, from 1966:
"It is as much the humor, bordering on cynicism, with which he defends his inconsistencies as it is the inconsistencies themselves that outrage white liberals while captivating Negro voters. Powell is not simply a successful Negro demagogue; he is one who flaunts his methods and his achievements before the white world (often at press conferences at Sardi’s or “21”) and defies them to do anything about it. It is at such moments that his constituents love him the most. If he were simply a demagogue who used their votes to obtain power and money for himself, they might soon become disenchanted. But as a symbol of mocking defiance of the white bourgeoisie, he is apparently worth every penny of what it costs to keep him.
In this, of course, Powell follows a well-charted tradition in American politics. James Michael Curley flaunted Irish vices as well as virtues and outraged Yankees in Boston; the more the latter fumed, the higher the former rose. (Powell has never been re-elected, as was Curley, while serving a jail sentence, but no one has the slightest doubt that he could do it if the necessity should arise.)"
Optimistic or Pessimistic About America November 2011
Bowling with Others October 2007
How Divided Are We? February 2006
Defending and Advancing Freedom November 2005
Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner July 2005
Islam and Freedom December 2004
Broken: The Troubled Past and Uncertain Future of the FBI by Richard Gid Powers October 2004
A Guide to Schwarzenegger Country December 2003
Has the Supreme Court Gone Too Far? October 2003
Mexifornia by Victor Davis Hanson September 2003
The Challenge of Crime by Henry Ruth and Kevin R. Reitz June 2003
The Right Man by David Frum March 2003
Sex and the Marriage Market March 2002
Schools, Vouchers, and the American Public by Terry M. Moe September 2001
The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of Egalitarianism by Robert William Fogel June 2000
Democracy for All? March 2000
Dutch by Edmund Morris December 1999
In Paul Johnson’s America April 1998
America in Black and White by Stephan Thernstrom and Abigail Thernstrom January 1998
Race, Crime, and the Law by Randall Kennedy September 1997
Cars and Their Enemies July 1997
Against Homosexual Marriage March 1996
Reading Jurors’ Minds February 1996
What To Do About Crime September 1994
Tales of Virtue April 1994
On Abortion January 1994
What Is Moral, and How Do We Know It? June 1993
The Family-Values Debate April 1993
We Must Take Charge: Our Schools and Our Future, by Chester E. Finn, Jr. December 1991
The Politics of Rich and Poor, by Kevin Phillips October 1990
Against the Legalization of Drugs February 1990
At a Tender Age, by Rita Kramer July 1988
Reckless Disregard, by Renata Adler March 1987
Why Reagan Won and Stockman Lost August 1986
Common Ground, by J. Anthony Lukas January 1986
Thinking About Terrorism July 1981
Reagan and the Republican Revival October 1980
The White Album, by Joan Didion September 1979
American Politics, Then & Now February 1979
Criminal Violence, Criminal Justice, by Charles E. Silberman January 1979
Political Control of the Economy, by Edward R. Tufte December 1978
Buggings, Break-Ins & the FBI June 1978
Blind Ambition, by John Dean February 1977
Who is in Prison? November 1976
Can America Win the Next War?, by Drew Middleton February 1976
The Return of Heroin April 1975
Crime and the Criminologists July 1974
The Making of the President-1972, by Theodore H. White October 1973
A. Philip Randolph, by Jervis Anderson July 1973
The Kennedy Promise, by Henry Fairlie June 1973
The Intellectuals and the Powers and Other Essays, by Edward Shils January 1973
Liberalism versus Liberal Education June 1972
Liberalism and Purpose May 1972
Kennedy Justice, by Victor S. Navasky January 1972
Crime in America, by Ramsey Clark March 1971
Crime & the Liberal Audience January 1971
The Urban Mood October 1969
A Guide to Reagan Country: The Political Culture of Southern California May 1967
“The Flamboyant Mr. Powell” January 1966