Jan Brewer Vs. The Foreign Invaders

By James Fulford


Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Chile are all submitting amicus briefs in the Justice Department lawsuit against SB 1070. Jan Brewer has asked the courts to tell them to take a hike:

”As do many citizens, I find it incredibly offensive that these foreign governments are using our court system to meddle in a domestic legal dispute and to oppose the rule of law,” the Republican governor said in a statement shortly after the state’s motion was filed Tuesday evening.

”What’s even more offensive is that this effort has been supported by the U.S. Department of Justice. American sovereignty begins in the U.S. Constitution and at the border,” she added. “I am confident the 9th Circuit will do the right thing and recognize foreign interference in U.S. legal proceedings and allow the State of Arizona to respond to their brief.” [Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer slams 'foreign interference' in immigration lawsuit, Politico, October 6, 2010]

Of course, no one is really confident that the 9th Circuit will do the right thing, but it’s worth trying.

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