
Janet Murguia’s Brother Is As Angry As She Is

By James Fulford


Why this is news, I don’t know. This comes from Kansas City Star reporter Steve Penn, (e-mail) recently dealt with here by Dave Gorak. (The piece starts "There was a time when a big brother would be in hot water back home if he didn’t stick up for his little sister outside the house. No such scolding will be necessary for Ramon Murguia. Murguia is the big brother of Janet Murguia, the chief executive officer of the National Council of La Raza, … " Gag. Ack. Thbbbt. )

The reason I mention it is that it came to me in an SPLC Nativist News email, and it sounds like the kind of rhetoric that, if it came from someone supporting immigration law enforcement, would be called paranoid hatemongering:

”We know what’s going on, and we’re going to stand up to it,” Ramon Murguia said. “We’re going to stand up for the families who are being scapegoats for this organization.
”They’re not just after the undocumented in our community. They’re going after all of us Latinos. And we’re not going to take it.”
www.kansascity.com | 10/03/2007 | Family makes a forceful stand together

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