Japan Proves Yet Again Homogeneity Is Strength

By Federale


Diversity is not strength. Whether it is terrorism, crime or lost and found, a homogeneous society is where society works for all its citizens. In Japan as usual, a prosperous and safe country is easiest built on a homogeneous society; diversity brings “Bowling Alone” and frequent terrorism among the social ills that destroy a community.

Homogeneity brings social cohesion, honesty, safety, and lost items returned to you.

Among the millions of items that were registered with Tokyo’s lost and found center last year was an urn containing someone’s ashes.

And yet this should perhaps not surprise you — urns are handed in to lost and found centers more regularly than you might think. Last year alone, the Metropolitan Police Department’s lost and found center in Bunkyo Ward tried to reunite as many as 10 urns with their owners. In every case, relatives of the deceased refused to come and collect them.

Umbrellas are one of the most common items that accumulate at the center, so much so that a 660-square-meter room has been dedicated to storing them in the basement. The room wasn’t quite full as of late April but Shoji Okubo, head of the center, says that this situation will change once the rainy season starts in June.

Okubo says that roughly 3,000 umbrellas are found in Tokyo on a typical rainy day. In 2016, the metropolitan police handled a total of 381,135 umbrellas across the entire year.

[Lost: Struggling To Cope With Millions Of Unclaimed Items In Tokyo, by Mizuho Aoki, The Japan Times, May 27, 2017]

Note the overall tone of the story, that Japan is such an awful, wasteful place that people don’t try and get their lost items back. The press in Japan hates Japan as much as the press in the United States hates America. But the scribblers in Japan just don’t have that much to criticize, so they have take what is really a positive story and try and turn the story into something bad about Japan.

The most important aspect of the story goes unmentioned; the Japanese police have so little to do they can concentrate on processing lost items of little value such as umbrellas and sunglasses. Think about this for a minute. The Japanese police don’t have to deal with much crime, they don’t have to deal with terrorism, they don’t have to deal with a crime plagued underclass, and they don’t have to deal with illegal alien criminals. They can actually try and serve the Japanese people by recovering and holding lost items.

And this is part of a deliberate policy of reinforcing honesty that starts with young children, instead of a policy of inculcating self-esteem and diversity ideology. It’s a policy directly related to the high IQ of the Japanese people. Smart people make smart decisions.

The Lost Property Law stipulates that anyone who finds an unaccompanied item must return it directly to its owner or hand it in to a police station or a facility administrator. Those who find lost items are entitled to receive a reward of 5-20 percent of the property’s value …

There is a perception that people in Japan generally hand in items of lost property to a police station or kōban (police box), and you don’t have to go far to find stories online of people recovering wallets stuffed with cash.

Experts partially attribute this to education by parents who teach young children to take lost property to a police station.

As a result, Okubo says that children sometimes bring in ¥1, ¥5 and ¥10 coins they find on the street, or even a little hair band.

“We can’t tell them not to worry about handing such things in,” Okubo says. “So we thank them and praise their good deeds.”

Immigration results in dishonesty and criminal behavior. Homogeneity supports deliberate public policy of honesty and social harmony. You can have one, but not the other.

And it is true that the Japanese will not steal lost cash.

People handed in cash worth ¥3.67 billion to police in Tokyo last year, ¥2.7 billion of which was returned to its rightful owners. Roughly ¥500 million was given to the people who found them, and about ¥440 million was added to the metropolitan government coffers.

This does not happen in immigrant dominated New York or Los Angeles. And that is because of immigration and unassimilated minorities, such as blacks. You can either have nice things (even if you lose them) or you can have diversity. You can’t have both.

The Japanese attitude is summed up by the statement regarding the honest people who turn in lost items:

“Everything being sold here was once lost property. Consequently, this means that someone once found these items and handed them in. Part of me wants to pass on their good deeds by organizing this market.”

Honor, a lost concept in an immigrant and minority dominated society, is a much better concept to organize society around than "diversity.'

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