
Jennifer Rubin Gloats Over Richwine’s Scalp, Wants More

By Steve Sailer


Jennifer Rubin writes in her "Right Turn" column in the Washington Post:

Richwine resigns, but will others follow?

By Jennifer Rubin, Updated: May 10, 2013

Jason Richwine, the co-author of a controversial Heritage study that has invited an avalanche of blistering criticism, has resigned from Heritage, the first step in what will be an effort to contain the damage arising from the report.

Richwine’s dissertation and public comments have postulated that Hispanic people have lower IQs than white people.

His work product, however, has not been withdrawn. Still, it is noteworthy that the American Action Network (which backs the Senate’s Gang of Eight immigration-reform plan and roundly criticized the immigration study) has bought search ads on Google surrounding the Heritage study link. They are driving to a page of quotes from conservatives panning the immigration study.

Aside from effectively sidelining Heritage in the immigration fight, the incident raises questions about Heritage’s president.

Meanwhile, Charles Murray says:

Jason Richwine, guilty of crimethink, "resigns." The bashing from the right has been as mindless as from the left. politico.com/story/2013/05/…

— Charles Murray (@charlesmurray) May 10, 2013

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