
Jeremy Carl’s “The Unprotected Class” Doesn’t Mention Us — But Does Mention Virginia Dare!

By James Fulford


Earlier: August 18, 2022 Is Virginia Dare’s 435th Birthday, And The Historic American Nation Is Still Here

One of the things I wondered about Jeremy Carl’s new book on the War on White People called The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart is whether it mentioned us. It doesn’t. It does mention Steve Sailer’s “Flight from White” concept and his ”Citizenism” concept, but quotes them from TakiMag and The American Conservative rather than or

It does, however, mention the Lost Colony, where Virginia Dare (pictured right, in a 19th century imagined portrait), the first child of English parentage born in the New World, either died or was captured by Indians — which is about the first thing we ever wrote about here.

Unbelievably cruel massacres were the hallmark of both sides of the Native American versus white American conflicts. Fatalities among early white settlers were catastrophic, starting with the likely wholesale massacre by Native Americans of the “lost colony” in North Carolina, the first attempt at a permanent English settlement in America.46 Eighty to 90 percent of the original settlers at Jamestown died, primarily due to starvation or disease, but many at the hands of Native Americans, a number that would dramatically increase after a 1622 massacre by Native Chieftain Powhatan.47 Even obscure incidents such as the massacre of hundreds of European settlers near Bath, North Carolina, in 1711 as part of the Tuscarora War, left a lasting impression on colonists’ minds.48

Contra the myths of either glorious conquest or unthinking genocide, the reality of those early white Americans was more mundane. Just like the native tribes, the Europeans were interested in conquest, settlement, territory, and wealth — they just had better technology and disease resistance, and a more advanced political organization. [Links added, the links on footnotes are to what Carl footnoted.]

The reason Carl is talking about her is the same reason we did — the concept that the white settlers of the 16th century were broadly speaking the Good Guys, and the “merciless Indian savages” (Thomas Jefferson’s formulation) who massacred them were broadly speaking the Bad Guys — a proposition that was entirely uncontroversial before 1960.

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