It’s hard to grasp what a complete botch the US Army has made of the management of all things related to Major Nidal Hasan (pictured), the jihadist mass murderer of Fort Hood. Before the killings, Hasan’s commanders ignored his early preaching of Islam during professional medical situations, and the clear warning signs were ignored by superiors because of the fear of being thought Islamophobic, apparently. Throughout the process, Hasan has been treated better than his surviving victims.
A 2011 Senate report called the murders preventable, because of the early warnings.
Another Army travesty was the remark of its Chief of Staff, General George Casey, soon after the murders: “As great a tragedy as this was, it would be a shame if our diversity became a casualty as well.”
What a cruel thing to say shortly after the wanton murder of 13 Americans engaged in serving the nation. It shows how politically correct the military leadership has become.
Similarly cruel has been the decision of top brass to avoid calling the shooting terrorism, even though survivors heard Hasan yell “Allah Ackbar,” the traditional cry of jihad killers. The designation makes a difference to wounded survivors, since many need the extra benefits that it would provide them.
Plus, the four long years between the attack and the trial was an extra and unnecessary irritant to victims and the cause of justice. Obviously the government wanted memories to fade about the whole ugly event.
Globalist diversity has upset the traditional mind-set of the military. It used to be that America had enemies and it was perfectly fine to hate them. These days however, it’s racist to dislike a group that’s different from us, even though that difference may be the root cause of warfare. Inconveniently, the fine points of cultural sensitivity don’t fit well on the battlefield, where the point is to kill, not find subtle areas of agreement.
Now members of any enemy group likely have thousands of compatriots as immigrants, because historical hostility doesn’t prevent anyone from immigrating to this country. For example, nearly nuclear Iran has arguably been America’s most serious enemy over the last few decades, but Iranians are welcomed under the Diversity Visa program even though there have been no diplomatic relations between our nations since 1980.
Nidal Hasan’s parents were Palestinian immigrants, and at a certain point, perhaps after his medical education was paid in full by the US taxpayer, he decided America was the enemy of the Muslims and therefore he should murder as many Americans as possible.
This behavior is hardly surprising or unusual: several Muslims in the military have acted to advance jihad against America. In 2012 it was reported that the FBI was investigating 100 Islamic extremists in the military. The bonds of the tribe are strong in humans, and Islam tells followers to kill infidels. The armed forces should rethink admitting Muslims, even though they may speak useful languages and are a plus for diversity acolytes.
Hasan has remained hard core in jihadist beliefs. He didn’t want a big defense at trial and preferred to plead guilty and get his sentence. But the Army rolled out the legal red carpet to a ridiculous degree, including daily chopper rides for Hasan to his private office to work on the defense he didn’t want.
These costs seem a modern form of jizya (infidel tax) in which the US Army acted as if it feared the criticism of Muslims more than it wanted justice for its soldiers. The good news is that Hasan was sentenced to death in August, but lengthy appeals lay ahead.
Records Show How U.S. Government Spent Nearly $5 Million on Hasan Trial, NBC Dallas Fort Worth,, Octocber 5, 2013
Army records obtained by NBC 5 Investigates details how the U.S. government spent nearly $5 million to convict Nidal Hasan in the Fort Hood massacre — crimes for which he wanted to plead guilty.
After several months of filing requests, NBC 5 Investigates received the first detailed accounting of the costs related to the court martial and trial for the former Army psychiatrist convicted of killing 13 and injuring 32 in a mass shooting in 2009. The total bill to U.S. taxpayers was more than $4.7 million.
Hasan, who called no witnesses in his defense and asked only a few questions during the trial, wanted to plead guilty to the charges against him but was forbidden to do so by military law, so a trial had to be held.
On most days in the months leading up to the trial, Army helicopters landed outside of the Bell County Jail to pick up Hasan and ferry him 40 miles to Fort Hood so that he could work on his defense in his private office.
Army records obtained by NBC 5 Investigates show the helicopter rides cost taxpayers more than $194,000. The Army spent more than $200,000 for trailers, apparently including one that housed Hasan’s private office, which had been dubbed “Hasan’s Hut.”
“I mean, it’s ridiculous. Why the government bent over backwards for Hasan and not do the same for the people, the soldiers that he tried to kill and killed?” said Shawn Manning, who was shot six times.
Manning and other victims of the mass shooting have not received the same benefits as soldiers wounded in attacks overseas.
Meanwhile, as NBC 5 Investigates first reported, Hasan stayed on the Army payroll until 10 days after he was convicted. Under current Army rules, only civilian employees arrested for a major crime can be suspended without pay, not soldiers.
“It’s sickening, you know? To know that there’s guys that he had shot, wounded, that are struggling day-to-day and can’t pay their bills, and we’re flying this guy with his own private helicopter and still giving him a paycheck after he murdered 13 people and tried to murder another 32 people,” Manning said.
The new Army records obtained show the biggest pretrial expense was travel.
More than $1 million was spent on travel for witnesses, jurors and lawyers. Another $1 million was spent in expert witness fees, while another $90,000 was spent to house the witnesses.
Other expenses listed in the documents raise more questions than they answer, including:
$222,000 charged on a government purchase card
$94,000 on nontactical vehicles
$51,000 in supplies
$15,000 for cellphonesWith the government currently shut down, an Army spokesman at Fort Hood said he was unable to reach people who could answer questions about the pay records provided to NBC 5. In past conversations, the Army has said the helicopter rides were necessary to protect Hasan and his transport team against threats and that many of the other charges were just unfortunate costs of preparing for a difficult legal case.
NBC 5 Investigates will continue to follow up with the Army and ask for more detailed accounting of these records.