Joe Biden’s 44-year-old Son Caught Coked-Up, Media Discovers It Months Later
By Steve Sailer
From the AP:
Sources: Hunter Biden leaves Navy after drug test Associated PressWASHINGTON (AP) — Hunter Biden, the youngest son of Vice President Joe Biden, has been kicked out of the military after testing positive for cocaine, two people familiar with the matter said Thursday.
The Navy said that Biden, a former lobbyist who works at a private equity firm, was discharged in February — barely a year after he was selected for the part-time position as a public affairs officer in the Navy Reserve. …
Two people familiar with the situation said Biden, 44, was discharged because he failed a drug test last year. …
A youthful indiscretion …
An attorney by training, Biden applied to join the Navy Reserve as a public affairs officer and was selected in 2012 — one of seven candidates recommended for a direct commission for public affairs. … Because he was 42 at the time, he needed a special waiver to be accepted. …
Resume padding for a future run for office, I presume …
Earlier this year, Hunter Biden raised eyebrows when he joined the board of a private Ukrainian gas company, just as his father and the Obama administration were working to wean Ukraine off Russian energy. At the time, the vice president’s office brushed aside questions about the arrangement by saying that the younger Biden was a “private citizen.”
A commenter recently speculated that the future history of political parties in the U.S. would likely follow the Central American model where they are superstructures for dynastic families to wage war on each other. For example, in the 1990s I read a fellow’s dissertation on Nicaraguan politics in the 1920s, and most of the family names of leading politicians from way back then were the same as the ones I was reading in newspaper accounts of Nicaraguan politics at present.