John Derbyshire Responds To A Foul Libel — He’s Been Accused Of Apologizing!

By John Derbyshire


Someone named Jamelle Bouie at The Daily Beast has committed a gross and outrageous libel against me:

Last year, National Review fired two writers, John Derbyshire and Robert Weissberg, over racist rhetoric, and in the case of Weissberg, ties to a white supremacist organization. But that rhetoric wasn’t as unusual as you might image. It’s not at all hard to find examples of conservative figures — politicians, activists, writers — who have had to apologize for racist remarks. Last year, for example, the president of the North Carolina-based Locke Foundation had to apologize for posting a graphic of President Obama eating fried chicken.

I attempted to respond in an appropriate fashion to this scurrilous innuendo, but could not be bothered to navigate The Daily Beast’s comment sign-in procedure. I shall therefore post my comment here instead.

The Daily Beast


I very much resent your writer Jamelle Bouie yoking me in the same paragraph with "conservative figures — politicians, activists, writers — who have had to apologize for racist remarks."

I have never apologized for my own remarks, which no doubt are indeed racist on current definitions — what isn’t?

Nor would I ever grovel to the preening, lying, innumerate, smug hypocrites of political correctness, however much of the public discourse they control. A pox on them all!

To associate me in this way with cowards, grovelers, ninnies, office-seekers, careerist triangulators, and bogus "conservatives" is a foul libel on my character.

Please publish a retraction, prominently placed, at your earliest convenience.

Yrs. etc.,
John Derbyshire

I and my attorneys anticipate a speedy response.

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