John Derbyshire: Trump’s Right About Muslim Terror In The UK … And Theresa May Is A Fool And A Coward.

By John Derbyshire


Last week I reported on all the gasping and swooning over President Trump’s having retweeted some videos from a British nationalist party.

I reported that British Prime Minister Theresa May, jumping to the crack of the Muslim whip, had emitted a squeal of outrage. Quote from her:

On the issue of radical Islam, British Muslims are peaceful people who have been victims of acts of terror.

Our President stepped up to that, took a swing at it, and hit it out of the park. Tweet from him, tweet:

Theresa, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine!

I thought that I, as a public service, would fill out some of the reality behind the President’s rebuke; so here are some stories from British newspapers.

Headline, Daily Mail, December 5th: Head of MI5 reveals NINE terror plots have been foiled since March this year and 22 since Lee Rigby’s 2013 murder.

MI5 is the approximate equivalent of the FBI. Lee Rigby was the British soldier hacked to death in a London street by two Nigerian Muslims yelling "Allahu akbar!"

Headline, BBC News, December 6th: Man remanded in custody over alleged plot to kill P[rime] M[inister]. If you read down the story it’s actually two men who conspired together to kill Mrs May. Their names are Rodney Oglethwaite and Nigel Fishwick …

Just kidding there, of course. Their actual names are Naa'imur Zakariyah Rahman, aged 20, who gave his nationality as Bangladeshi-British, and Mohammad Aqib Imran, aged 21, who gave his as Pakistani-British. I have no idea which religion they adhere to, none at all.

Headline, Daily Telegraph, also December 6th: Terror suspect "urged extremists to attack Prince George at school". Prince George is Queen Elizabeth’s great-grandson, four and a half years old, third in line to the throne.

The suspect here is 31-years-old Husnain Rashid, "of Nelson in Lancashire" the Telegraph tells us. A Lancashire lad, just like my own father’s people! Ey oop there, Husnain, tha’s got thaself in a pickle theer owreet, lad. Nowt ta be feert about, though …

Headline, Daily Express, December 7th: Terrorism arrests rise 54 percent following terror attacks in the UK. Sub-head: "Anti-terror police arrested a record 400 suspects in a year after jihadis carried out attacks in the UK."

Well, you get the idea. I’m not even trying hard here. You can scan the British news outlets any day of any week and come up with a similar list of headlines.

Britain, after decades of terminally stupid immigration policies, is addled with Muslim terrorists. Sooner or later the jihadis will get lucky, and the Brits will have a dead Prime Minister or a dead Prince.

It won’t make any difference. British elites will still be bleating about how — wait a minute, let me get the quote right — "British Muslims are peaceful people who have been victims of acts of terror." British courts, when they can take a break from dealing with Husnain, Mohammed, and Naa'imur, will be handing out fines and jail sentences to actual British people who have dared to mutter an offensive word about Islam.

It’s a madness: a terrible collective madness that has destroyed what was once a great country. In the larger scheme of things, though, perhaps it all has a purpose. That would be, to stand as a warning to us Americans not to go down that same deadly road, the road to national extinction.

Theresa May is a fool and a coward. Donald Trump is right to mock her. Thank you, Mr President.

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