
John Edwards' Latest Brilliant Campaign Issue: Busing!

By Steve Sailer


From Politico:

Sen. John Edwards plans to warn later this week that the nation’s schools have become segregated by race and income, and he will propose measures to diversify both inner-city and middle-class schools. …

As explained by people who have been consulted about the program, Edwards wants to set aside $100 million to help school districts implement economic integration programs. The money will help finance buses and other resources for schools that enroll additional low-income children.

How clueless do you have to be to try to run for President — as a purported populist — as the Busing Candidate?

This isn’t just a personal failing of Edwards — it reflects how out of touch our ruling class has become. It’s not merely how rich they are — the Roosevelts, after all, were extremely rich — but how political correctness has dumbed them down.

It’s widely assumed that political correctness is just polite hypocrisy and that the big shots understand what’s really going on even though they aren’t allowed to mention it in public — after all, the Clintons sure didn’t send Chelsea to the local public school for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. — but that’s naive. What happens is that political correctness severs the mental connection between private and public thinking.

Everybody knows that they, personally, don’t want a whole bunch of inner city kids bused into their kid’s school, but nobody is allowed to articulate publicly the reasons why everybody feels that way. Partly, it’s self-discipline — if a public figure ever happened to candidly mention exactly why he sends his daughter to Sweet Briar Country Day School instead of to Malcolm X. H.S., he’s toast. So, it’s best if he never mentions it in private, either. It could leak out. In fact, it’s even better if he never thinks it inside his own head. He might slip up.

So, concepts that can’t be articulated publicly aren’t, after awhile, even thought anymore.

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