Judicial Overreach: Clinton Appointee Says Wells Fargo Can Be Sued For Denying Student Loans To Foreign Students — Including Deportable Illegals

By Linda Thom


A US District Court Judge in San Francisco, Clinton appointee Maxine Chesney (right) ruled that Wells Fargo Bank discriminated against non-permanent, foreign residents. (Including, DACA recipients, who are deportable illegals.)The Bank denied them student loans and credit cards.

[Illegal]Immigrants denied credit by Wells Fargo may sue bank, judge says

By Dena Aubin,Reuters, August 4, 2017

By Dena Aubin

NEW YORK (Reuters) — Young [illegal] immigrants denied credit by Wells Fargo Bank because they are not permanent U.S. residents can sue the bank under a post-Civil War law barring discrimination on the basis of immigration status, a federal judge ruled.

In a decision on Thursday, U.S. District Judge Maxine Chesney in San Francisco rejected Wells Fargo’s argument that lenders are permitted under a more recent federal anti-discrimination law to consider immigration status before granting loans.

Filed in January, the proposed class action accused Wells Fargo of denying student loans and credit cards to [illegal] immigrants granted work permits under the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program enacted by former Democratic President Barack Obama.[More] ["[illegal]" added by VDARE.com]

Wells Fargo’s recent bad banking habits have made much news lately and so many may find it difficult to feel much sympathy for the bank. Nevertheless, Wells Fargo denied credit to temporary residents because bank policy deems temporary residents to be credit risks.

The Honorable Maxine Chesney decided that judges can determine who should receive loans better than bankers and ruled that the bank discriminated against visa holders and DACA Dreamers by denying them credit. One does not have to be a bank officer to understand that giving credit to a student who may flunk out and move back to China or to a Dreamer who may get deported to Mexico might have some element of risk.

Hopefully, Wells Fargo will appeal this ruling and other banks will join with "amicus" briefs.

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